Inside Out Movie Review

Movie Review Inside Out

The movie Inside Out by Pixar implanted an idea in the brains of children giving them the thought of, “Oh so everything I do isn't my fault but the of the emotions in my head.” This movie is not a movie I would let anyone young in my family see. Riley has five emotions in her headquarters and two of them got vacuumed out into long term memory with the core memory's. They have to get them back to Headquarters or she could lose her emotions for good.

As I said children will say it's not their fault. Putting a non-realistic idea into their brains. Will this change the world? Probably not. But it will make lives harder especially for those who actually believe it. So I believe this movie doesn’t deserve to be praised for its misleading story.

In the movie the acting made no sense the emotion Happy could get sad, and sadness could get happy, and Fear got courageous. Although you could say the acting was good the emotions were able to get a different emotion as they went, giving the movie a confusing acting.

Although the movie won best animated movie of the year this movie had confusing examples. Riley’s mother’s head had the same emotions all women, the dad’s head had all men emotions, and the boy at the end had all boy emotions. But the main character (Riley) had a mix three girls and two boys. Which I found quite interesting and confusing.

So I would recommend to not watch this movie and stop any small children from watching it. I give it a 2/10


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