
Showing posts from January, 2016

Movie Review of Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness Do you want to watch an excellent, critic-praised, phenomenal, outstanding movie? Watch Star Trek Into Darkness . This movie is marvelous and you and anyone you know should watch it. In the movie Star Trek Into Darkness The Starship Enterprise returns home after an act of terrorism almost ruining Starfleet. Facing massive loss, Captain James T. Kirk leads his crew Spock, Leonard Mccoy, and Uhura Nyota to face this one-man army terrorist. Needless to say the cast was brilliant and fit in their roles perfectly and the soundtrack was astonishing. Benedict Cumberbatch fit the role of Khan ideally, his appearance and great acting matched his role in the movie as Khan. Zachary Quinto had an impeccable performance for his role as Spock, his acting of a lack of emotion was outstanding. The VFX were astounding to say the least with lense flares appearing all the time. The movie opens with a breathtaking red forest on the planet of Nibiru with the USS E